Category Archive: radio themed

Non-radio objects such as clothing or room decor, which use a radio-themed fabric or design. Especially the “vintage radio look”.

My 20m dipole with its “drooping” arms

Droopy Drawers can be a real problem!
A woman whose panties have fallen around her ankles while walking her dog

This image came to mind while I was describing my 20 meter band dipole to someone and I called it my “Droopy Drawers Dipole.” This image is part of a somewhat famous pin-up painting by famous pin-up artist Art Frahm. There was a pizza shop at the Oregon coast which had this painting displayed on it’s wall. My dad was a photographer and loved these kinds of pictures. He was also a ham radio operator so all these things tie together somehow.

My webpage about all this has more discussion of the subject of “droopy drawers – both my dipole and also my memories of the old Art Linkletter show in which he interviewed some women whose panties HAD dropped to their ankles while they were out in public! Click on the link below this picture for those discussions and two complete pin-up paintings by Art Frahm.

A woman whose panties have fallen around her ankles while walking her dog
My “Droopy Drawers” Dipole and panty-dropping accidents WEB PAGE is CLICK HERE!

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Odd Toys and Items Spawned in the 50s by the Cold War

The cold war spawned fear and some odd items and toys!

a crystal radio for your bomb shelter

This page has been much more fully developed with several more pictures including an odd toy from the 50s cold war era. That is all in my “2nd Generation” website. This “WordPress” blog is now just a gateway to the new and more complete site. You can get there with the link below.

Nuclear war angst WEB PAGE with PICTURES, CLICK HERE!

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